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  • Shenzhen Dapeng Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Add:2F, BlockA, Fubilun Industrial Park, Chaoyang Road 78, Baoan District, Shenzhen,518105, China
  • Tel:+86-18565695703
  • Fax:+86-75529932414
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Power supply 24V 15V 5V

Power supply 24V 15V 5V

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Product overview
The main parts are: Raycus source, IPG source, scanhead, control card, Rotary, XYZ working table, Lifting, Protective eyewear, Field lens.
1. Laser sourceRaycus-20w,30w,50w,100w; IPG-20w,30w,50w; Synrad CO2 source-30w, 60w.
2. Scanhead: Spot size-10mm
3. Rotary device: 80mm
4. Working table: XY or XYZ
5. Control card: V2, V4
6. Field lens: f=100(80*80mm), f=160(100*100mm), f=210(150*150mm), f=254(180*180mm),    
7. Protective eyewear: 1064nm
8. Power supply: 5V(for control card), 15V(for Scanhead), 24V(for laser source)

9. Red light lens & Red light part.
10. Machine box: Desktop style, Split style, Portable style, Hand-held style.
11. Lifting: 50cm, 80cm, 100cm
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Dapeng Laser Email: sales@dapeng-laser.com Whatsapp 008618565695703 Looking for distributor!


Add:2F, BlockA, Fubilun Industrial Park, Chaoyang Road 78, Baoan District, Shenzhen,518105, China Design:szzn